Digital Mud

I remember how I used to think that I don’t really care if the NSA can read my email when I started my first semester at NYU pursuing a Master’s in Cybersecurity. Fast forward to now and I have a wide collection of tin foil hats. Wherever you find yourself in that spectrum my goal is to help share my thoughts as well as research to help people hide as much as they can about themselves while at the same time pursuing a fun life on the internet.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the movie Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger and how it relates to PrivacyVine’s mission. Spoilers ahead. A group of army guys are in the jungle being hunted by an alien that can see them because of their body heat. They have no idea and one by one are picked off. It wasn’t until Arnold fell into some mud that the tables turned. The Predator could not see him. Arnold then says “He couldn’t see me.“ This is after we saw it happen. Why did he have to say it? I digress, jump a couple scenes later and Arnold is screaming for the Predator to come find him, while covered in mud ofcourse.

That’s what PrivacyVine is about. It’s about covering yourself in digital mud so that predators can’t see you. It’s not bodyheat that online predators see. It’s information. The more information you put of yourself out there the more it is used against you. There are no laws protecting our privacy in the digital jungle. It’s up to us. I’m excited you are here!


Know your weaknesses